On December 16th the Light of Peace from Bethlehem arrived in Rome waiting for about 800 people, scouts of the MASCI of the AGESCI and the FSE, gathered to bring the flame to the Papal Basilica of St. Peter's in the Vatican, giving it as it has been for many years to the Holy Father Francis. All together in the parade they walked Viale della Conciliazione to get to the feet of the sand nativity scene, the Sand Nativity, created by the artists of the venetian city of Jesolo. It was Cardinal Angelo Comastri, archpriest of the papal Basilica, who received the precious gift from the hands of two Roman cubs representing all the Italian Catholic scout movement. A holy Mass then saw the whole delegation gathered in prayer, thus sealing the event with the community prayer.
The journey of the Light of Peace began on November 28, when Niklas Lehner, an 11 year old Austrian scout, received from an Orthodox priest in the Cave of the Nativity of Jesus in Bethlehem, the precious flame taken from one of the lamps that perpetually burn many centuries, thanks to the oil given in turn by all the Christian nations of the earth. The little relay relayed the light for the entire flight to Austria, where this tradition began over thirty years ago. Here, 19 delegations of European scouts met in Linz to receive and then distribute each one in their own countries the precious symbol of Peace, giving life to a very heartfelt and participated scout ceremony.
The Light of Peace left for Italy on December 16th, thanks to the numerous relay races on trains traveling for all the directives making it once again possible that, in just 24 hours, it reached all the regions. Particular this year was the commitment to the city of Rome, where the Light of Peace came thanks to a dedicated relay, which in the car traveled the 1500 km that separate Linz from Rome arriving already in the early afternoon of December 16.
The light of Peace from Bethlehem, brings together different associations in fulfillment of the spirit of brotherhood typical of scouting and that ideally marries with the initiative of brotherhood and peace of the "Light", through the invitation to welcome numerous flames and be bearers of "Light" spreading it to as many people as possible. First of all among the scout brothers. Sometimes we worry about our more distant and different neighbor, and we do not notice that among us scouts there are some differences that we accept perhaps with difficulty.
We would like the Light of Peace from Bethlehem to come especially to places of suffering, to groups of marginalized people, to those who do not see Hope and future in life. The occasion of the distribution can be an occasion for Good Actions: keeping company with those who are alone, visiting the sick, feeding the hungry.
Prison is also a place where Peace goes!